I talk and talk of Revolution. I am a very busy lad. As a result, I do not really have that much time left
for writing. I have school. I am on the executive for Ottawa Christian Fellowship (OCF--Ottawa U's chapter of IVCF). I am
on the worship band at St. Alban's. I have friends with whom to hang out and watch Veggie Tales and play Scrabble (and I still
love you very much despite our resulting differences). I have to watch The A-Team whenever I can. All of these things manifest
themselves in different ways and at different times. They are quite skilled at sucking up most of my time--including the time
I used to spend writing. The busyness (for which I praise my holy and loving God) of life has caused me to eliminate Somniare.
But Randomness and the Martian Mission will live on for as long as possible. I cannot let them die. My other reason
for eliminating Somniare (my poor young child) is that God has called me into Christian leadership and active service.
As a result, I must make sacrifices.
Before the execution of Somniare upon the chopping block of practicality and sacrifice, I have a few
issues that must be addressed herein. In Tres I spoke of Revolution. This Revolution was a Revolution of the Church.
The Church in the West is ailing. It needs help. God is reviving and renewing this Church. He is calling more people to it
and raising up new leaders from within. We could say that he is calling forth a remnant as he did so often throughout history.
This Revolution will see the end of denominational quibbling. Dont necessarily ask me how right now. The ideas I have aren't
always agreeable to everyone's Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, etc. mind. This Revolution that is happening even now is a
Radical Revolution--a return to the ancient faith of the Bible and the Apostles. This Revolution will also see the cleansing
of the muddied mainline churches such as my beloved Anglican Church of Canada with its liberal bishops and clergy (maybe even
the United Church of Canada--we cannot condemn, but we can pray). This Revolution will see a great outpouring of the Holy
Spirit as prophesied by Yahweh's servant Joel:
And ye shall know that I am Yahweh your God and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. And it shall
come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters will dream dreams, your
young men will see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And
I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. ...And it shall come to pass that
whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as
Yahweh hath said, and in the remnant whom Yahweh shall call. (Joel 2:28-30, 32 KJV Yahweh replacing the Lord)
The essence of Revolution, as I stated in Tres, is obedience to Jesus. We must not forget that. If we as
individual Christians actually fulfill God's calling to us, nothing will stop Revolution. If the Church also reexamines its
position and seeks Gods face as it should, then nothing will stand in the way of Revolution holding the world in its freeing
grip. The grip of Revolution is nothing more than the return of the Western Church and Western Society to Jesus and the simple
truths, the simple theology of his life and teachings. It is nothing more than the realisation in the whole world of the love
of Jesus, something that the Western Church--although numerically small--can aid. We have more resources and money for evangelism
and reform than the massive, growing Church in Africa and Asia.
Therefore, the essence of Revolution--found in obedience--is made manifest in a rediscovery of the essentials
of who we are as Christians, what Christianity is, and who on earth this Jewish guy back in the reign of Tiberius was/is.
How can we be obedient without knowing whom we are obedient to? I will address the following topics in this order over the
next (and last) issues of Somniare:
-The Bible
-The Holy Spirit
-The Trinity
-The Church
-Disciplehood (no, thats not a word)